story of an American girl living in Switzerland pursuing her dreams
Saturday, March 29, 2008
um really?
okay i've had issues with urban outfitters in the past like when they mass marketed keffiyah scarves as anti-war/ peace scarves, and now they are making protesting the new "it" thing to do? apathy and protesting do not go together, sorry hipsters
I'm an internationalist who has an obsession with travel/seeing the world and foreign affairs. I am a student in Minnesota studying African Politics an International Relations. I'm a romantic but have been increasingly bitter. I'm increasingly becoming a serious francophile and people tell me i'm an old soul, which i see as a compliment. I crave to be surrounded by other passionate people who want to make a difference in this world. This blog is my attempt to avoid the apathy that surrounds me. I am inspired by people, places and things
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